Vice President of Operations for Grocery Industry

$20 million
Detroit, MI


Our client was looking for someone who could help generate revenue through new channels. Goals for increasing revenue surrounded the potential acquisition of more units. The ideal candidate would have experience within the industry that could help with corporate expansion. The Vice President of Operations position would serve an essential senior leadership function.


The client outlined a potential hire's specific and unique requirements for Leap to begin the search. Due to those explicit parameters, the search for qualified candidates became narrower than originally anticipated. Leap was able to leverage its most qualified contacts with the corporations’ values to present the client with the best fit candidate.


On behalf of the Leap team, the deal was successfully settled. Our client was able to hire the candidate based on not only their qualifications but their alignment with the company culture. After the successful placement, the client has become capable of furthering their corporate expansion


The role was filled in 60 Days

Quick summary

  • On behalf of the Leap team, the deal was successfully settled.
  • Our client was able to hire the candidate based on not only their qualifications but their alignment with the company culture.
  • After the successful placement, the client has become capable of furthering their corporate expansion.

Vice President of Operations

 in  60 Days
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