10 of the Fastest Growing Industries 2024

MMegan Morganti

September 25, 2024


New technologies are emerging daily, which means that the industries maintaining them are growing exponentially. In business, industry trends are all about supply and demand, and entrepreneurs are the ideal solution to the heightened demand. The opportunity to excel in business presents itself within industries that are struggling to manage what society demands of them. Hopeful entrepreneurs should consider supply and demand trends when deciding how to enter the business world. Based on our expertise in the job search and business landscape, we have put together a list of 10 of the fastest-growing industries for entrepreneurs.

1. Artificial Intelligence

Since its inception, automation has proven its effectiveness for a number of different business sectors. AI and its efficiency have completely changed the goals and standards of all types of businesses. Jobs associated with artificial intelligence consistently surge as more businesses implement automation skills in their operations.

2. Healthcare

With the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic, it became abundantly clear how valuable healthcare professionals are to our society. The demand for healthcare professionals continues to grow both in hospital and home care settings. Recent changes in legislation have increased the awareness and need for specialized healthcare professionals. The healthcare industry demands qualified individuals to lead the field with expansion in mind.

3. IT and Cybersecurity

Due to the recent increase in the work from home structure, different industries have adapted to or capitalized on the ability of people to work from their homes. In the IT and Cybersecurity industries, companies found that this structure presented the opportunity to expand business reach. Internet security is a high risk potential for businesses and people alike, and the field requires talented individuals to negate the risk associated with cybersecurity.

4. Green Energy

Clean energy has become one of the most prioritized initiatives for companies across the United States. Professionals in this sector are responsible for environmental efficiency as well as preservation of resources. Services associated with clean energy are typically complex and expensive creating a demand for more industry experts. Green energy technologies are continuously developing and steadily growing the network of professionals working within them.

5. Online Retail

People all over the world rely on online platforms to deliver and offer services that were once only available in person. Online retail services are continuously exceeding expectations and their deliverability continues to expand. Almost anything in the world can be delivered via an online retailing service and the need for individuals to manage each phase of the online retail cycle is very necessary. This industry is essential to the success of the current economy and only continues to expand.

6. Travel

Traveling is finally returning to peak interest levels after losing momentum during the COVID-19 Pandemic and the demand for work in this industry is rising. As more places become accessible, travel experiences are increasingly valued.

7. Online Gambling

The gambling industry has seen a steady increase in participation and profit after changes in legislation of gambling. Based on a number of factors, now more than ever, people are more likely to gamble online than they are at a physical casino. As a result, the need for developers and regulatory personnel has increased.

8. Construction Industry

With significant growth in clean energy and architectural design over the past few years, the construction industry has also seen significant growth and change. Manufacturing and supply chain management have been in the forefront of the construction industry requiring more qualified individuals to enter the field.

9. Education

Schools are and will always be an essential part of our society. Schools all over the country are desperate for talented teachers and employees to properly mentor students. Schools of all levels are willing to invest in long-term quality educators. The industry is steady and continues to grow as the U.S population expands.

10. Pet Care

Pets are undoubtedly part of a family, and these furry friends have gotten quite used to the work from home structure. As we have surpassed the COVID-19 Pandemic, people have returned to their jobs and schools, leaving their pets home alone. Now more than ever, people are willing to splurge on caretakers for their pets, bridging the gap of alone time during the week.